What is Microchipping in Aylesford
Microchipping in Aylesford- it is a legal requirement for pet owners of dogs and cats. Microchips protect your pet for a lifetime, with contact information stored on a database that means you can be contacted if your pet goes missing and is handed into a vet or shelter.
Microchipping must be done before your pets turn 20 weeks old. If you are bringing home puppies and kittens from a reputable breeder, they should have taken your details and updated your pet’s microchip in time for your pet to be coming home with you. If you are adopting a pet from a shelter, they should also ask you to fill out a form with your details.
Microchipping in Aylesford: How it works
You only require a routine appointment for microchipping in Aysleford and it requires no preparation or sedation. Your vet will implant a microchip under your pet’s scruff in between their shoulders. Your dog or cat may feel the pinch as inserted but no pain relief is usually required and it’s over swiftly.
You will be asked to fill in details before your appointment which we will update to the national microchipping database. It is important that these details remain up-to-date otherwise your pet’s microchip will hold no purpose.
All vets and shelters have microchip scanners- these will detect your pet’s chip and bring up the details needed to contact the owner.
Microchipping in Aylesford: The Benefits
The main benefit of microchipping your dog or cat is that they can be returned to you if lost and found. This is why it is paramount that you keep your contact details up to date on the microchipping database. If you move address or change phone number, be sure to update these details with your vet or online.
Another benefit of Microchipping in Aylesford is the medical history that can be stored on your pet’s chip too. If found by someone else, your pet’s medical history can be scanned and noted by vet or shelter to ensure they are healthy or what medications they may be on.
Does Pet Microchipping Affect Their Health?
No, pet microchipping has no side effects or negative impact on your pet’s health. It works as a precaution and safety measure.
How Do I know If My Pet is Microchipped?
All pets should come microchipped when adopting them from breeders or shelters, but to be certain they have a chip and the details are correct, your vet can scan them and you can update details online or in one of our practices.
Where To Get Microchipping in Aylesford
Sandhole Vets, in Snidland, Kent is a central, local veterinary centre open for all pets and microchipping services. We also offer vaccinations and health check appointments for your young pets. At times, microchipping and vaccinations can be done in the same appointment slots, to organise this, speak to our team by giving us a call today.