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What is Diagnostic Imaging?

Diagnostic imaging at Sandhole Vets allows our vets to observe your pet’s internal structures when they’re showing signs of abnormality. It uses technologies such as Endoscopy, X-ray and Ultrasonography to give visuals of the stomach, intestines, passageways and more. It doesn’t involve surgery, but some procedures may require taking samples of tissues for testing or the removal of foreign bodies.

Our Imaging Services

  • Digital x-ray
  • Dental x-ray
  • Ultrasonography
  • Endoscopy

Reasons Your Pet May Receive Imaging

An X-ray may be required if your pet has fractured a bone or they have issues with their teeth. Diagnosing and locating the area that’s affected informs your vet of the best cause of action for treatment.

Ultrasounds are typically used for identifying growths like tumours, infections and foreign objects. You may be more familiar with ultrasounds used on pregnant pets. We assess the progress of pregnancies with imaging too! Observing the health and growth of your pet’s babies requires imaging. Ultrasounds involve pressing a probe onto the affected area of your pet, the sound waves produce visuals on a screen for the vet to observe. This diagnostic imaging is not invasive and does not usually require anaesthesia.

A pet Endoscopy may be recommended to further investigate gastrointestinal issues. A camera is inserted into the body under general anaesthesia. This procedure identifies abnormalities like ulcers, internal trauma and foreign bodies. It can identify or rule out health concerns.

 Our Imaging Referral Veterinary Surgeon

Alex Davies


 alex at sandhole vets lead surgeon


Referrals for Diagnostic Imaging

For imagining referrals, your vet will first assess your pet and may even have their blood tested. Speak to our vets today about your pet’s health and behaviour, they will address your concerns and discuss the details of imaging and referrals with you in an appointment.

For primary veterinary care, you can submit referral forms online to have your patients referred for imaging.

Book an Imaging appointment


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