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Animals can be very good at hiding any pain or discomfort they may be experiencing.

Your pet must be examined regularly by a vet to identify any potential issues as soon as they may develop.

Whenever we see your pet, be it for their annual vaccinations or any other routine consultation, our vets will always carry out a full 10-point check:

  1. nose
  2. eyes
  3. ears
  4. mouth and teeth
  5. lymph nodes
  6. skin
  7. abdomen
  8. lungs
  9. heart
  10. musculoskeletal system.

We will explain the process, findings, and possible implications at every stage of the examination, so that together we can shape recommendations to suit your pet, your needs and your budget.

As a matter of course, we examine dogs nose-to-tail, but we will adapt our approach if your dog is nervous or in pain. We have found that cats become less stressed if examined tail-to-nose, and following our Sandhole cat-friendly guidelines:

  • we promise never to lift or hold your cat by the scruff of the neck
  • we will always allow time for your cat to come out of their carrying box in their own time
  • we have plenty of delicious treats in our consult rooms
  • cuddles and chin rubs are always in endless supply!

And it goes without saying that as every pet is an individual, we treat them as such.

Pet passports no longer valid from 1 January 2021

You can no longer use a pet passport issued in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) for travel to an EU country or Northern Ireland. You can still use a pet passport issued in an EU country or Northern Ireland. Instead, pets travelling from Great Britain to an EU country or Northern Ireland will need an Animal Health Certificate (up to five pets on one certificate).

Your pet must:

  • Have a functioning microchip
  • Have a rabies vaccination at least 21 days before travel
  • Enter the EU via a designated Travellers' Point of Entry
  • Have an Animal Health Certificate written in the official language of the country they will enter the EU unless you have a pet passport issued in an EU country or Northern Ireland.

Dogs travelling directly to Finland, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or Malta must be treated for tapeworm no less than 24 hours and no more than 120 hours (5 days) before you arrive.

The Animal Health certificate is:

  • Valid for ten days from the date of issue
  • Valid for a single trip into the EU
  • Valid for onward travel within the EU for four months or until the date of expiry of validity of the rabies vaccination whichever is sooner
  • Valid for re-entry to Great Britain for four months after the date of issue provided rabies vaccination is kept up to date.

We suggest that you discuss your travel plans with your vet at least one month before your intended travel plans to ensure your pet is prepared for travel.

Please contact us to advise on the steps required to ensure your pet is prepared for travel and ensure you have the required appointments booked for your pet.

The best place to check for the most up to date information is on the government website, here.

Here at Sandhole Vets in Kent, we can support you every step of the way.


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