Animals can be very good at hiding any pain or discomfort they may be experiencing.
Your pet must be examined regularly by a vet to identify any potential issues as soon as they may develop.
Please click here to view the latest information on how to access our services.
Your pets can be your best friend or part of the family, we understand this and we are committed to providing the highest quality in veterinary services and support. That is why the expert team of veterinarians at Sandhole Vets have put together general pet advice to cover topics such as neutering, travelling with your pet and dealing with fireworks or noise phobias.
Your pet must be examined regularly by a vet to identify any potential issues as soon as they may develop.
During this period of uncertainty and with many of us self-isolating and in lock-down, some of our clients have been asking questions about COVID-19 in relation to their pet and also how to manage their mental and physical wellbeing. We have pulled together this guide which we hope you’ll find useful.
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